PSA: Our spring 2017 Mantra Box® is set to go out soon and we still have a few left if you'd like to get in on the action! Our Mantra Box® is a quarterly discovery box filled with health and wellness products from small businesses we love. Everything inside is a surprise but I carefully picked each product and know you're going to love it. It ships very soon, so order yours today!
It's Tuesday, which means it's time for your weekly yoga video from the YBC YouTube Channel! This week's flow is something I envisioned people doing on their lunch break. It's short (just under 10 minutes), but get's the body moving and should be pretty effective to combat the mid-day slump. We jump right into it, so if you need to warm up first, this is a good option.
Related: Yoga for Hiking.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes down in the comments section below. And if you're interested in my shirt, we have some left in stock here.
Follow us on Pinterest and pin this image for easy reference later - short lunch break vinyasa yoga