Hello from Marrakech! I'm writing to you from the kitchen table, where I'm awaiting the arrival of our first yoga students for the weekend. It's going to be such a nice time, and I can't wait for them to arrive!
Pin now, practice later - how to use blocks for tripod headstand
Today, I'm sharing a short video from the YBC YouTube channel I made that explains how to use yoga blocks for tripod headstand. The video was made as part of my partnership with Kohl's #makeyourmove campaign, where I'm focusing on ways to improve my personal yoga practice, among other goals. My tripod headstand isn't that great yet. It's a huge effort for me to press into the hands and engage that space on the side of my body right near the armpit. If you're a guy, this version of headstand might be easier for you since men usually have a good amount of upper body strength to begin with (sorry, I know that's a generalization, but for the most part it's true). Anyway, give this a try if you're working on headband and see how it goes for you.
For this video, I'm using the foam Gaiam blocks: