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Pin now, practice later! Core work on a stability ball.
Wearing: forever 21 tank, onzie bra, lululemon shorts.
This exercise is a beast and a half, and if you can do it for fifteen seconds without getting the most excruciating burning sensation in your stomach, I will salute you, my friend. This is fantastic for core strength - and I feel it especially in the center of my core (where my second row of abs should be, haha). Start out by leaning back on the stability ball and then hooking your feet under something (I used a couch cushion). Then, grab something long like a broom, bat, hockey stick, whatever, and put it behind your head. Then, begin making small circles with your elbows. Try it for ten to twenty seconds and then reverse the direction of the circles. Try for three to five sets. Eventually work your way up with your time to thirty seconds or more each side.
Related: 20 Minute yoga with a stability ball.
Let me know how it goes down in the comments below!
Pin now, practice later! Core work on a stability ball.
Wearing: forever 21 tank, onzie bra, lululemon shorts.
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