Today's the day! We are starting the Namaslay Hip Opening Program. The goal of the program is to track your progress via one chosen pose. To start today, take a photo of yourself practicing your chosen pose. You'll use this photo to compare and track your progress, so keep it handy. Here are some tips for taking yoga photos and tracking your progress.
Day 1 - Namaslay hip opening yoga program
Today in the exclusive section of the YogaByCandace App (iTunes/Google Play), you'll be able to go in and listen to me talk you through this sequence. If you subscribed to the YBC exclusive section of the app prior to 930am EST, you will not have access to today's content. Unfortunately, this is totally out of my control - it is the way the app is set up via our developer. But, don't worry! If you sign up today after 930am EST, you'll have all the exclusive content moving forward.
If you've decided not to do the app portion, no worries, just follow along to the photo sequence above. Take three to five breaths in each pose. If you have a copy of Namaslay, I've put the corresponding page numbers to the poses we'll be practicing and you can quickly flip there for easy reference as needed.
The focus of this sequence is to gently begin opening the hamstrings. We'll start with a gentle warm up of easy pose and cat/cow. Then, move into forward fold and halfway lift. Go back and forth between these a few times and really focus on using the breath like a comb to help open up any tightness you experience.
Today's yoga practice
If you're very tight, I suggest starting with a warm up. Then, take a photo of yourself practicing your chosen pose described in the intro of this program. This hip opening pose is what you'll use to track your mobility progress. Then, start the sequence below or tune into the app to hear me talk you through it. After, share your thoughts on the Yoga Forum or on instagram with the hashtags #namaslay and #ybcyogis.
1. Easy Pose with side stretch variation, page 91 in Namaslay.
2 and 3. Cat/Cow pose, page 83 in Namaslay.
4. Forward fold, page 107 in Namaslay. Be sure to check 'do this/not that' in the book. Related: 3 ways to improve your forward fold.
5. Halfway lift, page 108 in Namaslay. Be sure to check 'do this/not that' in the book.
6. Tadasana, page 106 in Namaslay.
If you have more time and want a deeper practice, do the following: 30 minute hip opening video
Shop the look below
Let me know how it goes for you down in the comments section!