Sponsored post: This post is brought to you by Free People, who just launched their Movement activewear line, and asked me to write up a post about what inspires me to move. Check out their new activewear line - it includes yoga, ballet and surf wear.
My yoga journey hasn't always been easy, and reading the comments in that post, I know I'm not alone in that respect. The one constant lesson that comes up in my own journey is that the yoga mat is like a mirror. There's no hiding when you're on the mat. You can't fake a downward dog or headstand. You can't fake deep, even breathing. And you can't fake a quiet mind. (You can always tell the calm person from the stressed out person because the stressed out person will be wobbling like crazy during the practice.)
For me, the inspiration to get on the mat is the promise of revealing what's really going on. With each breath and movement, the ego melts away and the layers of armor we wear are stripped, revealing our true selves. The body, moving through the sequence of the class, is fueled by breath and intention, and is working too hard to be focusing on anything other than what's happening on the mat. It's scary, at least for me, to feel vulnerable on the mat - to take a look into that mirror and see what's really going on. But when we face our fears, often times we can eliminate them.
Some days it's easy to step on the mat and get in the zone. Other days I want to walk away in tears. But whether it's a struggle or it comes with ease, I try to love the experience because it's an opportunity to learn more about myself through the practice.
Tell me, what inspires you to move?
Wearing: MAC lipstick, Vibe bra, Pirouette top
Wearing: Vibe bra, Pirouette top and crops.
Yoga in Runyon Canyon, Los Angeles