After announcing our 200hr intensive Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training program in Thailand, so many of you requested a US-based training. We heard you loud and clear, and searched high and low before finding the perfect spot - a rustic, serene, secluded farmhouse. This intensive 200hr yoga teacher training is going to be a homey, family-style vibe, and I'm pretty excited to finally be able to share the details with you!
Our teacher training mascot
Before we dive into it, I want to let you know that Buckles, my Siberian Husky, will be with us as our mascot. He's a senior dog (insert crying face), who is the gentlest soul. Huskies hail from super cold weather environments, which mean that their fur isn't at all oily (otherwise they'd freeze in frigid temps). What this means for you is that he carries no dander, and most people who are allergic to dogs have no problem with huskies. That being said, he is pretty intuitive and reads your energy well. If you don't want to hang out with him, just ignore him and he'll leave you alone. Actually, he'll probably leave you alone anyway because he's not really into cuddling, and group settings exhaust him. He's super chill. Anyway, one of the reasons I picked this spot is that I know he's getting old and I hate being away from him. The other reason I thought to bring him is that as you'll read below, intensive teacher trainings are just that - incredibly intensive. He'll be a wonderful buddy to help you through the training. This venue is (a long) driving distance for us, so he'll be joining. Ok. Now let's get into it.
Intensive yoga teacher training
What makes this yoga teacher training unique?
I've found that many yoga teacher training programs are lacking in a few key areas.
Strength Training For Yoga: One major component I've noticed that's left out of so many yoga teacher trainings is foundational basics for strength training. Based on what I see in classes I both teach and attend, I see many students relying on their mobility (and often, their hyper-mobility - yikes!), to get them through powerful vinyasa classes. The danger is that over time, relying on that hyper-mobility may lead to joint damage and potential injury. A great way to balance out hyper-mobility is building strength. Not only will the strength building personally impact our trainees in their overall health, but it will give their yoga practice that extra boost it may need to take it to the next level. In addition, the vital strength training information they learn in the Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training program will ensure they'll have solutions for their students with hyper-mobility. We'll be bringing in a strength and conditioning coach to teach the foundational basics for strength building as it applies to yoga.
Entrepreneurial Class for Yoga Teachers: I can't tell you how many newly minted yoga teachers have written to me and said, "Ok, I graduated from my teacher training, but I don't feel comfortable enough to teach and I feel like I can't make any money!" The Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training includes classes on how to market yourself as a yoga teacher, how to build a strong social media presence, how to design workshops and retreats, and will answer all your questions about how to create a viable business as a yoga instructor. Not that yoga is about money, but we all have bills to pay! In addition, trainees of our program will get teaching experience daily, from day one. Yes, you read that right. It is our mission to ensure our graduates feel comfortable and confident to teach immediately after our training.
Yoga for All: One thing that's always stuck out to me is the lack of training to accommodate all bodies at yoga class. Many of us teachers were taught a script that really only works for one type of person - the slender, bendy person. It doesn't take into account the fact that many people have bigger bodies. People carrying around extra weight cannot do, for example, a comfortable downward dog with the traditional cue of "feet hip distance" due to their bellies because bigger bellies create a different center-point of gravity than the slender, bendy person has. Cueing needs to reflect this so that you can welcome bigger students in your class safely and ensure they get something out of the practice. The Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training includes education on how to safely teach yoga for bigger bodies, as well as the elderly, and people with PTSD and anxiety.
Namaslay® Yoga Classes: Upon graduating our teacher training program, you will be able to register as a 200hr yoga teacher who is able to teach vinyasa and yin yoga, and you may also offer Namaslay® yoga classes as retreat, studio or workshop offerings. You can use the Namaslay® Yoga classes as something you fall back on when you're lacking inspiration or you can teach an ongoing Namaslay® Yoga class at your local studio. The content of your Namaslay® class is completely up to you, and we're confident you'll have ideas galore, as you can draw upon everything we've taught you for inspiration. The advantages of having the privilege to call your classes, retreats or workshops Namaslay® Yoga include marketing help from YBC®. Consider it one more tool you have in your toolbox.
Additional supplementary teachings: At YBC®, we understand yoga to be so much more than a standard script of postures, breath-work and meditation on the mat. We understand yoga to be a way of life. We live our yoga on and off the mat. We bring the lessons of yoga to everything we do from eating to socializing to working out, which is why the Namaslay® Teacher Training also incorporates discussions on gut health, stress and the human body, communication for yoga teachers, and growth mindset.
In addition, the curriculum goes above and beyond what is required by the Yoga Alliance and provides all the vital, foundational tools you need as a yoga teacher. We live our lives by the Namaslay® message, which marries old world yogic principles to modern life, and we are confident that through this training, you will emerge a competent, capable, exceptional yoga teacher, eager to help others learn to live the best version of their lives.
Intensive 200hr Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training
The Curriculum
The Namaslay® 200hr Yoga Teacher Training program is accredited by Yoga Alliance, which means that it meets stringent standards for yoga education, and upon successful completion of our training, you will be able to register through the Yoga Alliance, if you choose, as a 200hr yoga teacher. Our program covers:
Yogic Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics
- Introduction to Yogic Texts
- Introduction to Yamas and Niyamas
- Introduction to Conscious Eating
- Introduction to Sanskrit
- Introduction to Sacred Sound
- Aromatherapy for yoga
- The Entrepreneurial Yogi: social media, marketing, and how to create revenue streams as a yoga teacher
- Seva
Teaching Methodology
- Applying Yogic Ethics to Modern Business as a Yoga Teacher
- The Greatness Within: Realizing your true potential
- Namaslay®, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga Class Design and Sequencing
- Dynamic Yoga Workshop Design and Sequencing
- Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers
- How to Teach Special Groups- An emphasis on people with PTSD, people who are overweight, athletes, and the elderly
Anatomy and Physiology
- Intro to the Knee, Shin, Calf and Foot
- Intro to Glutes and Hips
- Intro to Arms and Trunk
- Intro to Shoulders and Chest
- Intro to Jaw, Head, Neck and Upper Back
- Intro to Chakras
- Intro to Bandhas
- Stress, the Human Body and Gut Health
- Basic Movement Foundations
- Strength Building Fitness for Yoga
Techniques, Training and Practice
- Meditations and Mudras
- Pranayama Techniques and Practices
- Teaching Sun Salutes A & B
- Intro to Teaching Seated Postures
- Intro to Teaching Standing Postures
- Intro to Teaching Supine Postures
- Intro to Arm Balances and Advanced Poses
- Intro to Teaching Yin Yoga
- In Focus: Hip Opening
- In Focus: Back Bending
- Principles of Demos, Assists and Corrections
- Teaching Sun Salutes A and B
- Teaching a Dynamic Yoga Workshop
- Teaching a Restorative Yin Yoga Class
- Teaching Guided Meditation
- Teaching a Namaslay® Yoga Class
- Assisting a Yoga Class
- Observing a Yoga Class
- Written exam
The Teachers
We will have a small team of highly skilled instructors for this program. I will be the lead instructor, the one responsible for teaching the majority of the classes. In my own studies, my main focus was Ashtanga Vinyasa, and the majority of my studies have been under Mark Ansari, a direct student of Patthabi Jois. I take frequent master classes with renowned teachers, and consider myself a student first, always. You will also have Dan Tavino, YBC®'s strength and conditioning trainer (CrossFit L1) and we will have guest teachers, as well as two rotational teachers to lead you through morning practice - all highly skilled, certified yoga instructors.
Your Certification
Upon successfully passing our 200hr program, you will be certified to teach yoga anywhere in the world. Through our training, you will be able to teach vinyasa, power, yin and Namaslay® yoga classes. You'll be able to register with the Yoga Alliance, if you wish, as a 200hr Registered Yoga Teacher.
Note that we do not sell certifications, and that your participation in the training does not guarantee you a certification. Certifications will be granted only upon successfully passing our written exam and practicum. The graduation ceremony will take place on the last day of the training.
Intensive 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Program
Who is this training for?
The Namaslay® Yoga Teacher Training program is intensive. It is no joke. This is not a relaxing, care-free retreat, but rather an introspective, rigorous program that will be physically and mentally demanding. This is a time for deep, intensive self-study that will not only better your own life, but brighten the lives of those you reach through your teaching. This training is for people who aren't 100% satisfied with where they're at. It's for people who are ready to make a change, but who might be a little apprehensive about taking the first step. This training is for people who want more out of their lives, who feel that deep down, they possess a profound inherent strength and gift, and are looking for a training to help them bring it to life.
This yoga teacher training is best suited for people who want to be yoga teachers. While we are open to accepting people who are looking to deepen their own personal practice yet do not have a desire to teach, please note that this training has a strong emphasis on developing qualified, exceptional teachers, and there will be a tremendous amount of practice teaching and business classes throughout the program in which all trainees are expected to participate.
This training is not suited for pregnant women due to the acrobatic nature of the training.
Please note that this training is very physically and mentally demanding. The summers in Tennessee are hot, and we will be outside the majority of the time, and the inside does not have air conditioning. It's important that you be in good physical and mental health to successfully complete the program. Please note that you do not need to know or be able to do every single yoga pose. You're coming to us to learn, so you don't need to know everything right off the bat. However, you should have a strong personal yoga practice (at least three classes per week - one of which is hot yoga) so that the training won't be a total shock to your system.
Dates and Scheduling
This training will take place August 28th - September 16, 2018. You will arrive anytime after 12 noon on August 28th, and we will have a welcome dinner starting at 7:30pm followed by our first class. On September 16th, we'll have a morning graduation celebration and you may leave any time after 10am. This is an intensive yoga teacher training program, which means the days are tightly scheduled. While the days are tightly scheduled, there are frequent short breaks. We encourage self-care, and trainees who are feeling physically tired are welcome to observe asana classes if they need a break from actually practicing. A typical day will look like this:
5:45-7:30am - Meditation, Pranayama and Yoga
7:30-8:30am - Silent Conscious Eating Breakfast and break
8:30am -10am - Anatomy and Physiology
10am-12pm - Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics Lecture
12-1 - Lunch
1-3pm - Teaching Methodology Lecture
3-3:30pm - Break
3:30pm - 5:30pm Techniques, Training and Practice
5:30pm - 7:30pm - Anatomy and Physiology
7:30pm - Dinner
8:00pm - 9pm - Studying/Prep Reading for the next day's lectures
Intensive yoga teacher training in the mountains
The Venue
We'll be in Mountain City, Tennessee, on a privately owned family farm in a building that was once a private boarding school. The Lodge, where we will stay, is 40' x 80' total. This is a cozy, family-style training.The bedrooms ring the outside walls, and the kitchen and bathrooms are back-to-back leaving the rest of the space wide open. This is where we will meet for our meals, and some lectures and some yoga practice.
The Pavilion, which is outdoors and just outside The Lodge, is roughly 30' x 60 ' and is wide open. The floor is finished concrete and the half walls are barn wood. We'll be here for some lectures, some yoga practice and strength training, as weather permits.
The Lodge - Seating area for meals and lectures
The bedrooms run along the perimeter of the Lodge
We'll be here for lectures and yoga classes
The bedrooms are simple, small and comfortable. The beds are XL twins, and we offer both single and double room (bunk) options. Note that there are not bureaus. Each person will have a large Rubbermaid bin to store all personal belongings (and we'll store your luggage in the basement). While the rooms are admittedly small, note that you will not be in your room often, as the daily schedule runs from 5:30am until 8:00pm.
We will all share two bathrooms (don't worry, one is a larger bathroom with multiple stalls). There is also a washer/dryer available for our use.
We will accept no more than 14 yoga students for this training.
Appalachian Mountains
Surrounding Area and Logistics
The venue sits on a small family farm overlooking the Appalachian Mountains - a quiet, beautiful, serene, secluded space for this introspective journey. You can arrive by car (plenty of parking available!), or by plane (fly into either Tri-Cities Airport (closest), or Charlotte, NC (farther away but probably less pricey)). If you're arriving by plane, you'll need to find a ride to Mountain City, Tennessee to our privately owned venue, but don't worry about that. We are confident others coming will be up for sharing the cost of a car rental or car service, and we can figure that out together.
In the Pavilion
Below is the cost. This pricing includes: Namaslay® 200hr Yoga Teacher Training tuition, accommodation from August 28th - September 16th in the room of your choice, family style breakfasts, catered lunches and dinners, yoga props (excluding mats - please bring your own), and wifi.
Single: $5,250
Double: $4,450
This pricing does not include: airfare, travel insurance, transportation to the venue, required reading texts. Required reading lists will be emailed to you upon acceptance into the program.
Payment plans: A payment plan is available, and it works like this: Your application fee of $199 will be credited towards your balance if you are accepted. Then, you will pay a $199 deposit via PayPal. Then, you will receive a credit card link for payments made every three weeks until July 28th, when the final payment will be due. All sales are final, no refunds are granted for any reason unless you're able to find someone else to take your spot.
Intensive Yoga Teacher Training
Eligibility and Application Process
We live our lives by the Namaslay® philosophy - lead with love, kindness, gratitude and an unwavering belief in one's intrinsic capabilities. We believe in being gentle, determined, and strong. We believe in doing no harm and taking no shit. We are accepting applicants filled with kindness, determination and grit. We are accepting applicants with open minds, open hearts, and a willingness to be lovingly and gently pushed so they can emerge the best versions of themselves. We are accepting applicants who want to grow and lift others up through the Namaslay® teachings of this program. Note that no where on our program does it say that you must be able to do all the yoga poses, or the perfect forward fold or handstand. We don't care about that stuff because you're coming to us to learn. We'd much prefer someone with an open mind who can't do x, y or z pose, than someone who is closed minded but has the perfect handstand. We're not here for the handstands. We are here for the growth that comes from the teachings. We are here to build confident, compassionate, loving, knowledgeable teachers. So don't worry about what you can or cannot do right now, because that's not important. Rather, ask yourself if you have the love and determination to get through what is sure to be a demanding yet empowering three week training.
To apply:
- Go to our application page:
- Once you pay the application fee, the application form will pop up. Fill it out and submit. If you are accepted, your application fee will be credited towards your final payment. If you choose the payment plan option, you will then pay $199 via PayPal within 24 hours of being accepted to the program. After that, we will send you a credit card link and you will making payments every three weeks until July 28th, when the final balance in due. Alternatively, you are welcome to pay in full.
- If you are not accepted, your application payment will be fully reimbursed. You will receive notification via email regarding your acceptance within 7 business days upon submission of your application.
Final Thoughts
I am so inspired by the YBC® Community, and am so proud of the curriculum we've developed. I know that this is going to be an unforgettable, life changing experience for those who attend, and I am honored and humbled to share the adventure with you.