In the Office is a series on YBC that shares insight on everything we have going on. Between the upcoming book, our YBC Mantra Box, etc, there's a lot on the agenda, so it's nice to share an update so we're all on the same page.
My office has been everything from the desert to the beach in the last two and a half weeks. I spent some time in Miami doing a private series of workshops (and hit up my friend's bach party and another friend's gym, as I was trying to get in better shape for my upcoming photoshoot).
It was the perfect balance between work and play and I had a blast.
Whitney VanOsdol doing my hair
Yoga blanket from , coat by Canada Goose.
YBC Book
The following week, I set out for Las Vegas for the main photoshoot for our book. We're going to do a full run down of that trip tomorrow, but here are a couple photos.
We need your input! Next week I have a call with the publisher and marketing and sales team and we need to figure out a title......halp! The book will cover everything from breathing practices to pose breakdowns and will also have beautiful lifestyle yoga photos sprinkled throughout. Any ideas?
At The Cosmopolitan
Wearing: free people duster cardigan, free people necklace.
Lauren and I had a blast working so hard to make our little book come to life! We had a great team with us and we got the job done and then had some time hanging out on the strip.
Checking out the photos
We've done quite a few lifestyle shoots for the book but for the desert one I wanted to go a little glam with hair and makeup, and channeled my inner Beyonce with a leotard haha.
Wearing: Silver and Sage hoops, candy yum yum lipstick
Wearing Lately
This has nothing to do with anything but I'm trying to get back into jewelry. I love how it looks but I just don't ever take the time to put it on. I used to really be into big earrings or a statement necklace, so I'm starting there. Silver and Sage sent these 18k dipped hoops for our photoshoot and I am crazy about them. They're simple but sassy :)
On my desk: artists' wallet from Mizu, Muji pens (the best pens ever), Earthwise Beauty samples, Le Traveleur essentials, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
On My Desk
1. Artist's wallet from Mizu. This is a brand close to my heart because a former high school student of mine is the owner and designer behind this beautiful brand. I bought this before Christmas for a gift for someone...but then kept it myself because I am the worst haha.
2. These Muji pens were given to me by my husband for Christmas. I absolutely love the Muji brand. If you haven't heard of them, they're a Japanese brand that's all about minimalism. They make everything from toothbrush holders to clothing and everything is beautifully designed, functional and minimal.
3. Earthwise Beauty Samples - Earthwise sent some samples of their Masking Indulgence and anyone who knows me knows I am the queen of facial masks, so I was psyched to try these. I particularly liked the blackstrap molasses mask.
4. Le Traveleur - If you're someone who travels often you might want to check into Le Traveleur. It's a curated pouch of quality travel sized essentials. I took it to Vegas and served did me well! It included everything from a face towelette to body oil.
5. And lastly, after what feels like years of hearing about this book, I finally ordered it from Amazon. I'm not a total slob, but I am just kind of a messy person and I'd like to be better at that. I thought it was interesting that right in the first few pages she says that all her clients say that once their living space was in order, everything else in their life began to improve. Now that's not to imply that my life needs major improvement - I am super happy with everything going on in my life - but it really bothers me that I can clean my house and then there days later it looks kind of messy again. What's up with that?! I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
YBC Gives Back
So, it's no secret that we are growing. We're hovering just under 75k youtube subscribers, have bumped up our YBC Mantra Box inventory to 150, and are writing a book (!!!!). It feels so, so good to see the dreams come to life, but we want to be sure that we give back. So, Lauren and I have been brainstorming and we'd love your input in case you'd like to give back as well. We'd like to give back locally and overseas so here's what we are thinking:
Within the US: We want to start working with homeless shelters and see if it's possible to sponsor a yoga space. We're thinking we'll send everything they'd need to practice: mats, props, and a YBC dvd. When we work with a women's shelter, we also want to include feminine hygiene products because we recently read that those were the things most needed. Would you want to help with that somehow? Any other ideas you have?
Overseas: We'd like to support our troops, but we are a little stuck on this one. We are thinking maybe X amount of care packages per quarter could be sent out by YBC? We could maybe even invite you guys to nominate a friend, loved one or acquaintance to receive the package? I don't know, we have to develop this idea more. Any and all thoughts you had would be much appreciated! I know the #ybcyogis are a strong, supportive community, so if you can think of ways to get the entire community involved, that would be awesome. Let me know down in the comments below!
YBC Official App
The YBC Official App has nearly 15,000 downloads, and I am constantly thinking of great exclusive content I can create for the weekly exclusive section. I also recently added the 30 Day Challenges so they're easily accessible there. Don't forget that if you screenshot your review of the app to Lauren, we'll send you a little gift in thanks.
YBC Video Bundles
We are now offering video bundles for total beginners and our intermediate yogis who are looking to jumpstart their yoga practice. I had so much fun creating the intermediate one because I put in techniques to work on handstand that I haven't shown anywhere else, so if you're working on your arm balances I'd look into it!