Where did the time go?! Totally meant to have this finished way earlier, but dinner happened, which leant itself to lots of laughs and funny stories and the now it's 11:00pm and I've got to get to sleep.
But we're having a great time - we certainly couldn't have chosen a better location. The venue is fantastic, a sprawling modern Spanish finca in the middle of absolutely nowhere. No noise except for the chirping birds and an owl that lives by our yoga dome.
We dove head first into yoga with meditation and pranayama classes in the morning and asana happening twice daily. There are fifteen of us, and people have been exploring the island in their free time, or laying by our beautiful pool and soaking up the sun. Truly, such a fun experience.
I'm looking forward to sharing more, but for now here are a few pics:
Yoga retreat prep
yoga dome
Morning meditation set up
And, from instagram, a little clip of yesterday's personal practice, playing around with this funky transition: