Healthy oatmeal
Delicious oatmeal
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, which makes this juice cleanse I'm currently on pretty difficult. I mean, what would you rather have on a chilly morning? Fresh vegetable juice or a hot, delicious bowl of oatmeal? It's not a hard choice.
Anyway. Oatmeal. Alone, it's bland and boring. But add the fixings seen here and it is suddenly transformed into a dish to look forward to. The blueberries and cranberries give it enough sweetness that, in my opinion, you don't even need the traditional maple syrup sidekick.
Ingredients for Perfect Oatmeal
2c water
1c oatmeal
1T flax seed
1T pumpkin seeds
1T sunflower seeds
1T shredded coconut
a handful of blueberries
a couple dried cranberries
Directions for Perfect Oatmeal
Put the water and oatmeal in a pot and bring to a boil. Stir, bringing the heat down significantly, and continue to stir for about a minute or two. Immediately transfer into a bowl, add the toppings.
PS- Overnight steel-cut oats, pumpkin pancakes, and a green smoothie.